All great masters have had their gurus. Even Lord Krishna, who is regarded as Jagadguru, sat at the feet of his Guru Sandipani. Hence the exalted position
of the guru remains unquestionable. Wisdom is their meeting point.

The Guru-Sishya (Master-disciple) relationship is the stream in which the depth of knowledge and the sweetness of love mingle. The guru-shishya tradition, lineage, or parampara, is a spiritual relationship. Vedas themselves prescribe for a young shishya to be sent to a gurukul. Acquisition of knowledge is helped in a value-rich environment with focus on the development of the entire self.

Welcome to the Kuchipudi Gurukul Parampara.



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  • aesthetic ambience out & indoor
  • way to green room
  • long and short term accommodation
  • space for creative works
  • dance costumes & ornaments rental
  • stage dimensions: 27X19 ft
  • dance related library
  • green room
  • professional lights and sound system
Join for

Shambhavi Dance Ensemble

Do you want to make Dance as your Career?
Do you want to travel in India & abroad with Dance?
Do you want to make Dance a way of life?

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Shambhavi School of Dance is conducting auditions for passionate dancers. Specialized training in the classical, contemporary and folk forms, choreography for National and International dance festivals. In a span of 2 years you will learn the secrets of Dance professionalism, to teach, to explore the horizons of dance and make a difference for yourself and the dance field.

Basic requirements:
Commitment, Dedication & Passion

 © All reserved with Shambhavi School of Dance, 2017 | Powered by Genexis Studio